Friday, June 17, 2011


well well....mother's day had passed and now it is father's turn~

people always say i love u mom,thank you mom n bla bla bla...don't they realize that there is father too?FATHER~ who gives us home to live in, who gives us shelter,love,money,and a lot more which we might never realize before...arms that holds u to cross roads when u r still a girl and b with u down to the altar when u get married...the one who worried of your safety whenever u r not there with him...he might not shows it but deep in his heart,only he and God knows how he feels of his 'baby'...

daddy...i love u and thank you for being such a great dad i would ever had...i appreciate for all what had u gave me...and sorry for all my wrongdoings and sorry for being such a stubborn daughter~
May God bless all d daddy on earth and may all the daddy have a great Father's day

*me with my daddy back on 2010's new year a.k.a his birthday*

 <3 <3 <3

Sunday, June 12, 2011


halo bloggers~ 

here is the topic for
do u guys trust each other lots?? among friends, family, lovers,mates,colleague, etc etc???
how do u feel when u really trust that person and one day,u get to know that the person is already cross the line? 
don't u feel like being betrayed?or being fooled by that person? i'm pretty sure that it would be hurt~ i mean...really hurt! 

how do u feel when u and your friend/family/love/etc make a promise but then that person is the 1 who breaks the promise...sad is it? some people said...promise are meant to be broken but when you are serious with the promises made,it is not to b broken anymore but to take care of...
don't hurt other's feeling by break it up cause trust is still the key word and it takes a lifetime to built trust but just a seconds to break it! it is very fragile so please handle it with care~ <3

once u breaks the won't be the same anymore~

Saturday, June 11, 2011


shalom brothers n sisters....

sini sy cuma nk meluahkn perasaan kejap la...sumtimes salu jg la dgr org ckp malas la nk g church,nk tido la,letih la...n mcm2 jenis alasan lg utk tidak attend mass/misa sunday yg amik masa at least sejam lebih ja pun...lgpn kita g church bkn salu (bg org2 yg g daily mass la)...ahad ja pun~ itupun susah ka?

hairan jg napa nk g lepak2, shopping mall jalan2, tgk wayang, keja, study, main games (pc ka psp ka ps2,3,4,5,6 bla bla bla hehehehe), n mcm2 lg la...suma aktiviti ni dpt pla nk buat tp g church seminggu skali??? punyalah berat mata nk buka, punyalah berat kaki nk melangkah msk church...kejap ja bah smbhyg...peruntukkan at least sejam lebih tu hanya utk mensyukuri apa yg Dia dh bg kat kita dlm dunia ni...susah sgt ka?huhuhu... kita dh trima sgala blessings dr Dia,so gv thanks la n spend some time to talk with Him n b thankful...

anyway...i'm nobody to judge..this is all about how i feel on certain people's attitude (maybe~) i just feel bad n hoping these kind of people will someday change n spend more time with our Creator~ it is not hard...just talk with Him on how u feel...don't seek God just when ur having problems or hardship....Peace all (^_^) n have a Blessed sunday...


what is the real purpose of hiring a tuition teacher?
 >during tuition session = the student normally asked to do some exercise from any exercise books (doesn't count on what publisher it is) and then the tuition teacher will checked it and bla bla bla~

>tgh berfikir<
 *sigh* napa plu cikgu tuisyen kalo sebenarnya kita boleh blaja sndr d rumah dgn buat latihan dr buku2 latihan extra? kalo xpaham,cari la cikgu/ lecturer time ms free (ms rehat la tu) and minta ajar@ terangkan dgn lebih jelas...kalo malu sgt or xberani nk cari cikgu pun (kut2 cikgu tu jenis mkn org la kan huhu), cari n minta ajar la dr kwn yg paham~ so xplu la buang duit semata2 nk g kelas tuisyen n meletihkan diri nk g tuisyen n bla bla bla...blaja xsusah kan?sbb suma sudah ada bahan...tggl nk tggu kerajinan diri sndr ja utk baca,olah, faham n ingat n last2 master dlm subjek tu...

sumtimes terfikir jg knapa wujud "cikgu tuisyen" ni...erm adakah utk memaksa anak2 g blaja? i mean,bg anak2 yg sgt susah nk dsuruh blaja so tpks drag dorg g kelas tuisyen  d mana akan ada cikgu utk tegaskan n suruh buat latihan...(buat latihan = blaja scr xsengaja la tu bila dh kena paksa kan)

conclusion = blaja la sndr dgn byk2 buat latihan n cuba cari sndr apa yg xfaham sbb bila korg dpt tau apa yg korg cari tu,menda tu akn senang melekat dlm otak sbb korg berusaha utk mendapatkn ilmu tu sndr~

*alamak~aku sorg guru tuisyen sepanjang aku cuti sem ni huhuhuhu* <~ cikgu tuisyen yg sndr pun malas belajar sbnrnya ehehehehhe (^_^)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

semester break (^_^)

wee due to university's system change,now all d batchelor's student having a very long semester break...oh yeah!!! 4 monthssss....i was shock to hear it last time but here i am now,having my "very-long" semester break hehehe...

>i was very exhausted during last sem due to very pack schedule n bla bla was chaotic n thx God it is over...*waiting for d result which i hope ok n hoping my pointer didnt drop to under 3 huhu* ~cross finger~

>first week of d holiday (minus d survey camp a week afta semester finish) = waaa excited, happy to be at my hometown again n bla bla bla all d positive feelings~

>afta a week of holiday = duhhh blur...what am i going to do to fill up my another 3months + + holiday???? felt bored cause aldy get used with busy life n always got tasks to do...

> well now am a tuition teacher...teaching biology n physics for form4 student but my student only 1 person hehehe....she told me that her fren wanna join but for today's session...that fren didnt turn up pun.....thinking of wanna do another job cause d tuition session is just 3times a week n every session is just for 2hours only which is in d evening...still got plenty of time to kill~

>i really need to hv a job so that i wont stuck here in my room doing nothing in stead of building my body into BIG huhuhu scary~

> bla bla bla...kinda lazy n out of idea already...will continue with my blog next time~ hehehehehe babai.... (^_^) mwah!