Wednesday, February 23, 2011

test's season~

Engineering mathematics II - done
Hydraulics - done
Construction Engineering - done
Mechanics of Material - done

well...i think i cant b stress anymore cause the stress level is over d limit already n my energy is almost zero after d last test finish just now~ OMG d mechanics of material questions is sooooo difficult..i cant even figure out what d question wants huhu~ i think my percentage to get very low mark a.k.a failed is very high hehe (i guess that i can accept d reality cause i cant do it well just now plus am having gastric at d moment)... :(
i dont wanna described more bout the other subject cause nothing interesting happens during d exam...but during mechanics' test, the duration of the test is 1 and 1/2 hrs..but during first 30mins, people starts to wonder and doing nothing(including giving signals to their friends in order to get some hint)...this is 1st time in my life majority people cant do d test....well at least not d whole examination hall get blurr...i realize that,all of us gv d same facial expression~blur and nothing...cause cant do d question eventhough how hard u try to figure it out! majority of us cant wait to hand up d answer sheet cause we know,if d lect gv us extra time also hv no use cause we hv no idea on how to solve d question hehehehe~ sori ya mr lecturer huhu~

Sunday, February 20, 2011


yesterday~due to d stresses weeks before,we decided to go out n watch movie(as long as out from campus n books n assignments n projects and faceBOOK? hehe)
well actually we just wanna have a break for a while from stdy by jln2...but end up with watching 2 movie in a row hehehe~never done before (for me la) (^_^) 
 12.45pm...we watch The Rite 
actors~ Anthony Hopkins as Father Lucas Trevant
         ~ Colin O'Donoghue as Michael Kovak
         ~ Alice Braga as Angeline
my personal rating = 4.5 out of 5
well....i admit dat i'm such a chicken in watching this kind of movies but...this movie is superb! plus it is created based on true story~ and of course it is related to my religion(ceh mcm la sy ni alim sgt hehe)
i really2 suggest those who hvnt watch dis movie,grab ur car key(And of course ur own wallet/purse) and watch d movie at nearest cinema....sure u guys wont regret it! 

4.15pm~ No strings attached

actors ~Natalie Portman as Emma
          ~Ashton Kutcher as Adam
personal rating = 3 out of 5
erm...this movie~ok la..for those who love romantic movie maybe loves it...
for me,it is just ok hehe(more to no comment) 
suggestion~ watch if u wanna watch, don't if u don't want to (^_^) its about love...
a relationship between a guy n a women
which is only based on sex without love.its lust but not love~ 
they think dat the relationship wont last so they get a distance from one and another.
The distance makes them realize that,between them..there is love~ 
and bla bla bla...
watch if u wanna watch hehehe (mentioned it twice)

today~ The Mechanic (2.00pm)

actors~ Jason Statham as Arthur Bishop
           ~ Ben Foster  as  Steve McKenna
           ~Tony Goldwyn as Dean Sanderson
personal rating = 4 out of 5
this movie is about a guy asked to kill his own man/close fren for reason
 but end up knowing that he had been used...
so he n the man's son(which he himself train how to kill ppl), get a revenge to that guy~ 
(confusing huh? hehe i did it on purpose)
my suggestion is plz watch d movie as soon as possible...
ur money on buying d tickets is worth coz d movie is GREAT! (^_^)


Friday, February 18, 2011

teacher's nightmare!

Kids Are Quick 

TEACHER:    Maria, go to the map and find North America .
Here it is. 
TEACHER:    Correct.  Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS:        Maria.

TEACHER:   John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN:  You told me to do it without using tables. 


TEACHER:  Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
GLENN:     K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' 

TEACHER:  No, that's wrong
GLENN:       Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.   

(I  Love this kid)

TEACHER:   Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
DONALD:    H I J K L M N O. 

TEACHER:   What are you talking about?
DONALD:    Yesterday you said it's H to O.   

TEACHER:   Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
WINNIE:     Me! 


TEACHER:   Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
 Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.   

TEACHER:     Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
MILLIE:       I  is... 

TEACHER:     No, Millie..... Always say, 'I  am.'
MILLIE:       All right...  'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

TEACHER:    George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it.   Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS:      Because George still had the axe in his hand...

TEACHER:    Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON:     No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.   

TEACHER:     Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE :      No, sir. It's the same dog.   

Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested? 
  A teacher 

hehehe~ well laughter is d best medicine maa.... (^_^) 

Monday, February 14, 2011

just b urself~

bgn2 ja pg terdengar org terjerit2, terlolong mcm apa ja...kacau daun org mo bgn lmbt tul huhu 
(venue:asrama ompuan)
so TERPAKSA la sy ni bgn n trus terfikir..adakah dorg mcm tu jg time dpan bf o laki yg d ADMIRE dorg? komen la sbb xmemerhati pun...
tp sy perasan sumthg la,
 kalo d kalangan geng sndr o d mana2 asal bkn dpn org tu la
 mesti suara pandai jd besar n keayuan yg d tunjuk dpan laki tu ilang...
y d bcoz? no komen...
suara pun pandai jd ilang kalo dpn laki hahaha..
apa kes? sndr pkir lorr..

bak kata lecturer sy aritu:

  • kalo time kapel, perangai lain.. 

  • lepas kawen, perangai lain...

  • dh dapat anak, lain lagi perangai..

  • dapat anak seterusnya,mkin lain perangai...

  • tp pastu,ada la classmate smbg...last2 kawen lain lagi hahaha..(this 1 is not d point okey!)  (^_^)

    pendapat sy sndr la kan...
    bgs lg jd diri sndr a.k.a show your own true colours...
    bkn apa...letih la nk jd 'org lain' ni..
    plus sgt x comfortable kalo nk jd org lain instead of jd diri sendiri.
    just have  your own confidence n be yourself...
    enjoy being yourself and on top of it...LOVE YOURSELF~
    jgn la jd org lain k sbb bila org tau siapa diri ko yg sebenar,
    there is no more fun sbb dorang kenal ko sbg org lain n bkn sbg diri ko sndr...Renung-renungkan... (^_^)

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    ~Calling 911~


             If you look,you can see God in nearly everything.You can see Him in the weather as it nourishes the land with the sun and rain. You can see Him in the ocean as He creates the rise and fall of the tide.
            Guess what? you can even find God when you need to call 911. Everything stops when a 911 call is placed, and all focus shifts to the current emergency. The dispatcher asks specific questions, and within minutes, an emergency team is dispatched to handle the situation.
            That's what happens when you pray. God is waiting. All you have to do is ask for help.He already knows your name and where you live.He is always quick, ready, and able to send the help you need.
            It is always good to have someone you can count on in the time of trouble. Let God be that SOMEONE. He is ready to respond when you call on Him. Help is on the way~

    prayer is your direct line to God in case of emergency. You can  reach Him anytime, day or night. Don't wait for an emergency to connect with Him. Call Him up, NOW~

    * Lord, it is not always easy to get through to some people when i need them. but YOU always answer when i call on You in prayer. Thank You for being there for me. AMEN *

        I was quite stressful just now because of everything surrounds me...assignments,tests and et cetera...usually I will just shut myself down (sleep la...hehe) then I'll b ok. But this time,I cant sleep(insomnia) n I cant even close my I grab a book (where I got this article from la hehe ~ God's hand on my shoulder <for teens>)...I read this article and realize what I have to do in order to release the tense reciting a prayer...Thx God my instinct let me read the article instead of going nuts then can't study for tomorrow's exam and cry like a lil baby because can't score well for the test. That's stupid right? its better to calm down 1st then continue our so-called-job (me as a student lorr)...since now I'm a bit released....guess that I'll continue doing my 'JOB' hehehe~ (my mind is so messy,so do the wordsss hahahaha) (^_^)

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    new comers~

    well hello there~
    being pushed to create a blog since last year last, here i am with a new blog n a new me (never create any blog before cause prefer to read others'  rather than create my own...hehe (^_^)
    will try my best to share anything here (if i'm not bz la hehe)...plz leave any comment on ur thoughts n how u feel on my post ya buddy! peace~ (^_^)